Sunday, 20 March 2011

Fish Pie

An ideal Sunday lunch....comfort food that will hit the spot


3 boneless fillets haddock, cut into large chunks
2 flakes of garlic, chopped finely
1 green chilli , chopped finely
1 shallot, chopped finely
2 large potatoes, boiled and mashed
1/4 cup mixed peppers (capsicum)
1/4 cup green beans
1/4 cup sliced carrots
1/4 cup green peas
1tsp oregano
1tsp basil
250 ml milk
2-3 tsp flour
2-3 knobs of butter
1/2 cup grated cheese
salt & pepper for seasoning


1. In a pan, heat the butter, add garlic, green chillies & shallots, stir. Once onions become translucent add the rest of the vegetables. 

2.Add the chunks of fish, oregano & basil. Season with salt & pepper.

3. Add the milk, mix well. Once fish is slightly cooked, using a slotted spoon remove the fish & veg.

4. Boil the leftover gravy, add the flour to thicken into a sauce.

5. In an oven proof dish layer alternate layers of mash potato & the fish/veg mix , season as you go. Make sure the top layer is potato, spoon the thicken sauce and sprinkle grated cheese.

6. Cook in a pre heated oven (at 180deg) for 15-20 mins.

Serve with steamed carrot, swede & french beans.

Hot from the oven

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