Monday, 23 May 2011

Spicy Grilled Orange Chicken

2 chicken breasts 
1 clove of garlic, chopped finely 
1 tbsp curry powder 
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 
1 tsp red chilli flakes 
1 tsp garlic powder 
1/2 tsp cumin powder 
3-4 tbsp orange juice 
1 tbsp virgin olive oil 
Freshly crush pepper & salt for seasoning
1. Marinate overnight the chicken with the above ingredients, season with salt and pepper.
2.  Flash fry the chicken breasts in a pan to seal the juices. Care only fry for couple of minutes, each side.
3. Heat the grill to 180-200 deg. Place the chicken on the grill, turn evenly and cook until chicken is tender.
4. Serve with side salad or couscous.
You can try using a Jamaican curry powder or all spice for a Caribbean flavour. Alternatively use madras curry powder for an Asian flavour.
Use Lime juice instead of orange juice if preferred.

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