Saturday, 8 September 2012

Alle Belle - Goan Coconut/Jaggery Pancakes

This sweet dish is very popular in Goan homes as a tea time delight.


1 cup of flour
1 egg
Salt for seasoning
Water to make a paste

For the filling

1 coconut grated finely
1/2 cup jaggery


1. In a bowl mix the flour, egg in little water into a thin pancake batter. Season as required.

2. Mix the grated coconut and jaggery thoroughly.

3. Heat a frying pan and when really hot, apply oil all over the pan and drop in a spoonful of batter and spread all over the frying pan (like a pancake). When the underside is well-done, flip over.

4. When done on both the sides, remove and place on a plate. Place the filling in the centre and form rolls.

5. Serve with a nice cup of tea.

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