Sunday, 19 April 2020

Roast chicken in a pot

An easy roast recipe cooked in a pot rather than oven. My marinade is influenced by similar spices used in cafreal. The chicken is very tender, moist and simply delicious.


1 medium chicken
2 onions sliced finely
2 potatoes, cut in circles
1 stock cube
Olive oil or butter

For the marinade

1 inch cinnamon stick
3-4 peppercorns
2-3 cloves
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 green chilli
1/2 bunch of fresh coriander
2 tbsp vinegar 
1/2 tsp sugar
3-4 garlic cloves
1/2 inch ginger
Salt according to taste

  1. Grind the masala and marinate the chicken overnight. Ensure you get the masala under the skin and make slashes underneath the skin. Massage the marinade well into the chicken. 
  2. In a pot heat some butter/olive oil and place the chicken breast downwards and cook on low heat. Sprinkle the stock cube over the chicken. 
  3. Add the sliced onions. Stir and cover the pot. Let the chicken cook on low heat.
  4. After 20 mins, turn the chicken and baste with the juices that have been released.
  5. Add the potatoes when the chicken if half cooked. Ensure that you don’t mash them. If they are cooked before the chicken you can remove and add them later whilst serving. 
  6. I tend to turn it every 20/30 mins, and keep basting to ensure it’s moist and juicy. A medium chicken on low flame should cook in 1.5-2 hrs, check if it’s cooked by piercing on one side and juices run clear. 
  7. Serve the chicken with roast vegetables or side salad. 

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